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Greetings!  I am honored to have been selected a candidate for President-Elect of our fine organization. Over the years working within my Section, the Region, and with IEEE-USA, MGA and the full IEEE Board, I have been given many critical opportunities to grow and understand the dynamics and value of our organization.  Over my time as Region Director-Elect and Director, I operated under a philosophy that everyone can and should have a role and engage with IEEE at multiple levels.  In doing so they follow a path I have labeled V-I-P....focusing on three qualities…Vision, Involvement and Passion.

If given the opportunity to lead the IEEE-USA, I intend to pursue this same strategy on a broader scale, and further align it with efforts I supported last year for the overall IEEE to make IEEE "Your Professional Home".  To elaborate, let me start with defining the characteristics of V-I-P:

As the pace of change in our society accelerates, it is extremely challenging to succeed professionally when standards, policies and protocols are in constant flux.  As leaders, we must have VISION – the ability to discern what changes will produce what results – and how to appropriately react and adjust.  This is even more critical when looking at the policy and educational implications of decisions being made in the US. These not only affect our members here, but due to the headquarters of the organization being here, legally they affect all of our members globally.


Once the path forward is understood, we must be INVOLVED.  It is not enough to take personal advantage of change…it is our professional responsibility to help society adapt to the changes for the betterment of all.  In the US, this means supporting and informing Governmental activities and making our voices heard at events such as the Congressional Fly-In. 


Finally, approaches to problem solving, outreach and community support must be infused with PASSION.  Leading through change can be exhausting, and it is the passionate professional who will carry on - ensuring success.  We need to show an example worth following to technical professionals throughout the US, and lead initiatives with other technology organizations to ensure our voice is heard.

With these building blocks, our volunteers can be successful in improving him/her/themselves, but in addition, IEEE has a responsibility to provide both opportunities and services that enable that success.  We need to ensure a focus on mentoring to offset the dynamic of career-lock that is the major side-effect of the gig economy.  Employers no longer have an incentive to grow their workers, as the norm has become that they move on after only a few years.  Since IEEE and IEEE-USA can be with the technical professional from the time they start school to their golden years,  WE can take on the advisory role of providing guidance on development, education and certifications that will make our workforce world-class, to the betterment of all.

Thank you most kindly for your consideration, and I look forward to continuing to work with all of you. 



NOTE:  The opinions expressed on these pages are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of IEEE.   

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